Monday, June 11, 2012

At Goldfield Ghost Town

Here's a picture of the new place I'll be working! Come on...times are tough!!! hahahaa No, it's one of the great buildings at the Goldfield Ghost Town/Mining Town near our house. We spent 7 hours there one day!!! It was a BLAST!!!! I'll put up more pictures of the trip there another day. I have to go to bed!!! hahaha
I edited this one to look 'older'.

Little Grand Canyon

There's a place out here that is called Fish Creek. But most people I meet call it "Little Grand Canyon". It's absolutely gorgeous there. I have several pictures and hope to get them up (as a matter of fact, one of the first few I posted in this blog was from there!) There is seldom a cloud in the sky...which is sad, because clouds make pictures even better....and I was happy to see these clouds that day!!!